Call Us: 405-623-8183

ISHM Exhibits

98th  ISHM

International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement

May 13, 14 & 15, 2025, Oklahoma City
At the Oklahoma City Convention Center, 100 Mick Cornett Drive, Oklahoma City, OK  73109

Frypan Pardners Provides Exhibitor Customer Service
To view the ISHM Website, Click on the ISHM Logo Below for a separate tab

Exhibitor customer service at ISHM is by Frypan Pardners, including advance & outbound freight services and on-site help desk throughout the entire event. 405-623-8183

2025 ISHM Exhibit Chair

Jim Smith

Marathon Petroleum

 Mobile:  814-460-4057

Booth space will be available only by application directly with ISHM. Contact the annual ISHM Exhibit Chair for further information

Frypan Pardners, ISHM Customer Service

Advance & On-Site Show Services 

Order Forms & Information Pages for download have been for ISHM 2025.  Need something else? Call 405-623-8183

We're happy to talk with you anytime,  405-623-8183.

Or from the list below, you can simply download individual pages for ISHM 2024.

Frypan is proud to have served as ISHM's Pardner since 2011.
Please let us know how we can help you at this event